Do you know who the sex offenders are in your neighborhood and where they live?
Do you know who the sex offenders are in your neighborhood and where they live? With Safe Neighborhood, you have access the National Sex Offender Registry right in the palm of your hand. Keep your family safe and informed, using GPS technology to locate all the sex offenders in your area.
New features including list, and more results (up to 100).
Search by your address or current location(US Only) to see if any sex offenders are registered in the area. View on a map and see their personal info + photos.
Safe Neighborhood is dependent on existing sex offender registries and cannot guarantee accuracy of data. If something is incorrect please contact us and we will attempt to correct a record.
Coming Soon: ability to share offenders other parties, and search by name.
The Read Phone State permission is used for the ad network, and no personal information is sent. This does not allow the app to read call logs or contacts or anything like that. Ads are used for a little compensation for the time it took to write the app. A professional ad-free version is also available.
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